If you’re just getting started with PromoteLabs and want to read some great customer testimonials then, check these out!

If we have over-delivered for you, offered a service or product that solved your problem, or provided stellar customer service, feel free to leave a testimonial about your experiences..Let us know!

Click Here To Submit YOUR Testimonial!

There would have been no GrooveDigital without Jeremy and Simon

Jeremy and Simon have been around since the start and are still going strong because they operate with real integrity and genuinely care about their customer’s results. Marketing good guys who create exceptional products, cutting edge software that works and lasts and training that’s based on proven, tried and tested strategies that they’ve put into practice themselves first – Straight up, bonafide marketing champions.
They have been our No. 1 affiliate for 2 years and have been our No. 1 affiliate for every launch winning every grand prize. They beat 2nd place by a factor of 10. Point blank… There would have been no GrooveDigital without Jeremy and Simon.

Mike Filsiame

Protecting Your Hard Work Is Important

As a software developer protecting your hard work is an important aspect of selling digital products. You want a licensing system that does what you need, is flexible and not get in your way.

ProductDyno does that and more. Other licensing systems make you jump through hoops integrating their services, not so with ProductDyno, it was quick and painless. If you need to license and protect your digital products then there is no other service I would recommend!

John Merrick
Connectly, IM Wealth Builders Ltd

Protecting Your Digital Assets is THE Most Important Thing You Can Do

Protecting your digital assets is THE most important thing you can do. ProductDyno makes it click and play easy. It doesn’t matter if you are a non-techy or a software developer (like me), you will find a level of ProductDyno that suits you down to ground.

Do you want to click a few buttons and create protected download areas for your products? Do you want to build a membership database that you can control with licensing, emails, integrations with other services? Do you want to dig deep at a code level and integrate your own systems with it?

As a professional software developer I appreciate products that are simple and easy for non-techies to use but also provide extra power and flexibility for techys to connect to. ProductDyno has both and it works simply and elegantly.

Simon Philips

ProductDyno meets all of my criteria!

I have a few criteria that I am picky about when it comes to a membership platform. Obviously protecting your content is priority, but the membership setup must be simple, and the members page has to look professional.

I have tried several membership plugins, scripts, and cloud platforms over the years and I have finally found one that I am truly happy with. ProductDyno meets all of my criteria and is very easy to use, plus it looks great.

I built my first product to launch with ProductDyno and adding each section for my members area was a breeze. The final output of the members area is clean, neat, and very professional looking. I wouldn’t use anything else personally after buying ProductDyno.

Bryant Dodd
BD Marketing

Product Protection is ProductDyno

I have worked with several other product protection and delivery systems, and have had to code my own fixes time and time again, or worse yet have my valuable assets exposed! ProductDyno comes out of the box ready to secure and support your products and customers, wither it be an information product, a SaaS product, or WordPress Plugin or Software Licensing! I use it for all of my products (17 now and growing in my ProductDyno Admin Dashboard) and have migrated almost 1500 users to the ProductDyno platform for product fulfillment and video training courses!

You can tell they are product owners/creators as well, due to the amount of thought that went in and continues to go into ProductDyno. They have improved it without bloating the software since I have purchased!

Hands down the best platform there is for securing and delivering your products, and it’s only getting better!

Curtis Crowley

Excellent product great support

Product Dyno is a great tool for managing members and membership pages. Also the customer service to help get it set up was excellent.

Anthony Hayes
Business Loans Now

Great and Understanding Support Team

It’s nice to know that PomoteLabs and specifically ProductDyno has a great support team.

So, I would like to thank the Sara and Donna particularly, who helped to quickly resolve my account issues which put me back in business.

I plan on using ProductDyno in a variety of ways and glad they have my back.

–Joseph Yanni

Joseph Yanni

Finally The Perfect Solution Made Affordable

I have tried just about every membership platform out there. The are either buggy, cumbersome or WAY too expensive – especially if you are just getting started.

ProductDyno fills a much needed void.

It’s easy affordable and they have thought of everything. This thing has so many integrations and features you might think you are using one of the expensive options that can cost hundreds per month.

This is a must have tool!

Valerie DuVall

The Promote Labs Team is

The Promote Labs Team is quick, knowledgeable, and AWESOME!
I needed to upgrade my purchase after I mistakingly ordered the wrong version of my Product.

I contacted the Support Desk and they took care of my issue and gave me access to the correct Product, in no-time-flat! Jennifer, one of their team members, from the Customer Happiness Team Welcomed me to their Tribe!

I’m really looking forward to using my ProductDyno System and joining the PromoteLabs Tribe!

Dr. Michael A. McMorris

Dr. Michael A. McMorris

ProductDyno is…….Awesome

Sometimes you find a product to use for your online business that is just outstanding. This goes certainly for ProductDyno, I am very glad I decided to buy it. It is an easy way to build membership sites, for one time fee standalone products, and for recurring fee memberships. It is very easy to quickly add content to your products, and the available themes make sure you get fantastic looking membership sites. You can add audio, video, text, pdf’s and other supporting material for your customers, and you can dripfeed the content as well. Sections and sub-sections make sure you can organize the content perfectly. Next to that the support is really super (thanks again, Jennifer Taylor). I had to clearify some issues and got the right answers back very fast and to the point. One of the features was not working well, but the developers team took quick action to make it work as should be within a day. So all in all I can only say: If you have or want to have an online business selling memberships, I strongly recommend using ProductDyno.

Charles van Veen, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Charles van Veen


Not sure this is a testimony, but I was a teacher , I had a stroke (stress and high blood pressure) Teaching myself Marketing on the internet, bought Dyno, and the person explaining the software almost made me cry! He Did so well explaining, and thanks so much for creating something like this, I feel like I will be able to have more control of my life! Take care and will be giving you a update when I start putting products on this platform.

none yet

Product Dyno is our favourite system for delivering online products

ProductDyno is our favourite system for delivering online products. It’s simple, secure, and incredibly well put together – everything just works. It’s definitely the most popular membership software among Convertri users, and it’s easy to see why!

Neil Murton

ProductDyno has everything you need to deliver your content!

“When I first heard about ProductDyno, I was totally skeptical. I mean, who wouldn’t be nowadays? You see, every time you open up your Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail, and all you get are emails telling you how you can make millions of dollars with their new super-duper ‘membership platform’.

Well, on the advice of some well respected marketers, I invested in ProductDyno and my thoughts are ‘Wow’! ProductDyno is simple, intuitive, it’s got everything you need in one control panel, and you can drag and drop all of your content from YouTube, your hard disk and anywhere else.

In summary, if you can’t put a lucrative money making membership site together with ProductDyno, then you might as well give it all up and get a job flipping burgers. ProductDyno is that good!

David Cavanagh

ProductDyno Shines with It’s Powerful Integrations

There are many types of membership scripts out there so choosing the best one for you can often become a daunting task.

Where ProductDyno shines is it centralizes all your payment processors, autoresponder systems, hosting, and everything you can think of in one area.

This is often where most other scripts lack. With other scripts you typically require a lot of add-ons and you need a lot of moving pieces. Eventually it gets scattered.

Another thing you should look for is if the script has the capability to withstand long term. I know the guys behind ProductDyno for decades and they will do whatever it takes to stomp out all the bugs and improve on it. I’ve seen it as well being part of the initial beta test group.

Lastly – It allows you to setup collections which follows a new method of marketing that I’ve been testing and teaching recently to convert prospects into die hard fans when you mix products and good content marketing together. This is something you can’t do with any other system and I’ve tested hundreds. Except one I’ve used that costs $1200 per year.

I highly recommend ProductDyno to anyone wanting to securely deliver their content online and have everything in one place!

Stephen Luc

Fast customer support

I ordered a product package from Promote Labs, but I never received the password link to download the product. I sent an email to support. And within an hour, a representative, Donna, responded to my support ticket. She resolved the problem in seconds. Nice work.

Sharmil McKee

ProductDyno is so good that I’ve been migrating as many of my products as I can into it.

ProductDyno is so good that I’ve been migrating as many of my products as I can into it. So far I’ve got 65 products and 15 collections and can honestly say that this is the best product delivery and member system I’ve used in my 18 years online. They have the most complete list of integrations I’ve seen and everything just works.

Andy Brocklehurst

Nice little bell and whistle

I want to say I like this new feature in ProductDyno at a 1st glance…

The new “Business Intelligence” feature that is…

I recently connected ThriveCart to a product in PD and now I have one central pane of glass to see the sells that happen from my PD products…

While yes I can and should go back to ThriveCart and look and see this, it is just a nice to have in PD … for me…

I do not currently offer that same product via another payment gateway but I should … say another payment gateway that is also connected to another merchant option, in case something happens on that front….

So when I do get there it will be nice to see this again in a single pane of glass type view in PD to see where my sells are coming from, another place to see tracking results…

But I would hate for PD to try and turn into a do everything and miss the point of what I bought it for easy product delivery…

So thanks, it is a nice little bell and/or whistle for me at this time…

Garry Baker

Good Products – Great Support

I love PromoteLabs and the products they produce. ProductDyno is another excellent product from PromoteLabs. I’ve been using it for the past several months and I can’t say enough good things about it. Not only has it saved me time but has helped me streamline my business. In typical PromoteLabs fashion, it’s a solid product with even better support behind it. Any time I’ve had an issue, the Customer Happiness team has done what their name suggest, solved my problem and made me happy.
Rest assured that when you invest in a product from PromoteLabs that you’re investing in a quality product that is going to help you and your business.

Robert Borsuk

Don’t pass this up – I don’t do testimonials

The fact is I don’t do testimonial unless I am gobsmacked by something. I have used **Thinkific**Kajabi**LearnDash**Everlesson. My last foray was with WordPress with one of the afore mentioned – Basically I was SICK TO DEATH of endless updates to plugins. The last straw was when payment went down because of a plugin conflict…

Looked around and found ProductDyno. At first I was not too convinced but I gave it a shot anyways. I am not a religious person – But… praise be to the heavens I did not miss it. (yes that IS probably a choir of angels that you can hear right now)

This product runs like clockwork. My customers love it. Customers can use it. Customers don’t contact me endlessly for logins and issues because PD is do darn good at sorting all that out.

Learning curve? Yes as with everything. Worth the effort. YES! Happy days have arrived. Thanks guys for an incredible product!

Martin Cole

The easiest way to automate and sleep at night

I have used several services to deliver online training / content. I saw ProductDyno and thought it looked clean and simple to set up. It WAS! This alone was a BIG plus. I moved everything over to productdyno and now I actually have a life back.

Occasionally we might have a hiccup, say with an update. But this is fixed DAM fast. Some may complain about this but I look at it differently. If nothing ever changes and nothing ever fails then this tells me that the company has stopped innovation. Productdyno keeps getting better! The company actually listens to its users. We get to vote up suggestions. We get to be part of the process of pushing this software to the top of the pile. I am delighted to be part of continually making something better.

Martin Cole

Amazing Service!

ProductDyno solves some challenges.

The first is membership software. Most membership software is extremely complicated, and it shouldn’t be. ProductDyno is very simple to set up and use.

The second challenge it solves is DRM (Digital Rights Management). It easily protects your digital downloadable products.

Thirdly, you have the ability to keep your digital products and course on your own website because they have a tremendous external protection feature.

The customer service response time is very good, and they are kind and helpful. We feel this says a lot about a company.

We are gearing up for our movie and course release, and so far the testing of this product has gone very well. We look forward to our launch.

James A Sinclair

Beautiful members area

I transferred my members area to Product Dyno from another site builder. This is so easy to build. I like the visual builder coz while building my members area, I can already see what it’s gonna look like. And my students like it better than the old one. And the best part is they have the most efficient support team ever! Major props to you, guys!

Liza Ramos

Literally SAVED My Business At The Last Minute

I’ll never forget it… I had this launch, in December 2018, and was destined to be our biggest ever.

It was early morning, and the flood gates were about to open. Huge amounts of traffic were about to start rolling in.

And that’s when I realized what happened…

Our entire WordPress members area had melted down… I still don’t know if it was because of a WP update… or an update to DAP (Digital Access Pass) the membership plugin we were using… or what… But the entire members area software had pooped its pants and stopped working. Right at the start of the launch…

Now, all the WordPress membership plugins we had ever tried had always sucked anyway, including the one we were using at that moment. Even when it was working it was terrible and made life hard for me, my virtual assistants, and my customers.

But having it melt down at the beginning of a massive launch? That was devastating.

After an hour of pulling my hair out trying to fix it, I said screw it. I’m done with these stupid WordPress plugins.

I remembered Simon & Jeremy mentioning ProductDyno several times. I was reluctant to have to learn a new platform… but I had no choice.

I grabbed ProductDyno, chugged another energy drink, and I started watching the tutorials – trying to focus as much as my brain would on almost zero sleep over the past 48 hours (as is usually the case prior to a big launch).

I started going through the process of creating the new product listings inside the members area and…

…I was blown away.

It was… So. Damned. Easy.

“Weird!” I thought. Membership platforms aren’t supposed to be this easy.

Linking each of my JVZoo products to a product in ProductDyno took like 60 seconds.

Fleshing out the membership pages and thumbnail images for each product took maybe 2-3 minutes.

Setting up the automated welcome/login details messages took like 60 seconds.

Linking all the upsells and downsells together so that everyone had just ONE login to access everything they purchased ended up being SUPER easy – couple clicks of the mouse.

Customizing which unpurchased products people could and couldn’t see thumbnails for… took like 5 seconds!

No WordPress nonsense. No complex settings. No “protect this url, don’t protect that url” nonsense. No backend “theme” crap. No WordPress “web designing” each product page.

NONE of that usual crap that you deal with when using a WordPress Membership Plugin.

I was absolutely blown away.

By the time I was done with everything, we were already a few hours into the launch and had probably a hundred or so angry customers.

All NEW incoming customers would now be sent into the new awesome members area and given perfect access to their purchases and NOW it was time to see how easy it would be to migrate the EXISTING buyers from that morning into the new ProductDyno members area.

Piece of cake. Took like 5-10 seconds per previous customer to migrate them over.

The launch… was saved. And so was my business.

It was honestly the single most easy and enjoyable members area experience I had ever had and I have stuck with it ever since. Creating new products and offers is a breeze now, not stressful like it used to be. Running my business is so much more enjoyable today and my customers are so much happier, thanks to ProductDyno.

Steven Alvey

Rockstar customer

Your customer service is swift and rockstar

On three consecutive occasions I submitted support tickets and on three consecutive occasions the responses landed in my inbox faster than Speedy Gonzalez could get off his starting blocks 🙂

Ok, I’m exaggerating. However, the folks over at Promote Labs have provided me with great customer service over the months.

Even though it may not be so, It certainly looks like their team operates 24/7/365 🙂

I’m deeply grateful.

Amien Jacobs
Work From Home Productivity Enthusiast


The LMS which is easy to launch courses

I like ProductDyno, because it is easy to build courses with UI builder and dynamic check as you build.
It has all the bells and whistles. Also, the direct message, quiz and referral marketing system is a boon to any creator. Bundling collections is a USP and can help you cross sell a lot and it is a good tool to build a hub.
I love the header links, many footer links and side bar for various monetizations. To be honest, I think a few more theme options with still better UI, can make it compete like hell. Still, this is a huge value for your money.
I am launching my multiple hubs in executive coaching and small business mentoring. Can’t wait to make it happen on ProductDyno with great integrations across multiple apps and zap capability. Please use it and make money.

Sridhar Rayasam

Just Great!!

ProductDyno, Safe, secure and satisfied. A great product delivery program helping me manage my digital content. Excellent customer executive team as well, that have the knowledge to help their clients. Your wonderful service is greatly appreciated.

Holly Marsden

The Swiss Army Knife For Internet Marketers

If you’ve got content that you need to protect, how do you do that?
I struggled with this problem for a long time until I learned about ProductDyno. And as my title says, it really is the Swiss Army Knife for people in the Internet Marketing scene.

I used to have all sorts of different plugins to handle download protection,membership sites, drip feeds, protected content, etc. but since taking the plunge and buying ProductDyno my life has become much less complicated.

ProductDyno handles all these things in a way that nothing else I’ve found comes close to.

It does exactly what it says on the sales page, including integrating with your autoresponder, shopping cart, payment platform, mail service, crm, webhooks and so much more.

Plus the level of support you get from the team is exceptional. I had an issue recently and the help I had from Jennifer, Annie and the amazing tech team was amazing.

Raymond Harries

ProductDyno is Great – Customer Support is FANTASTIC!

I really love how clean and simple everything is from both the backend to what the user experiences! In fact, I’m getting a lot of positive feedback on just that aspect alone – how easy the set ups is that users can move around so quickly!

And while I love the product and am happy to have found it, I have had a few “learning moments” along the way. But any time I have reached out to Customer Support they have been nothing but FANTASTIC and positive in helping me to overcome my limitations. 🙂 and get me back off to the races.

Can not recommend this product or company enough.

Thanks again PD and the Customer Support Team

Melissa MacPherson

Amazing Support

Recently, I returned to use ProductDyno to begin my membership site. I have a learning difficulty so I emailed support with a bullet pointed request list to get me started. What amazed me was they answered every point I raised and then over-delivered with 2 videos they did working in my site which showed me how to fix my problems. They understood my issues, and I was up and running in no time.
I really appreciated them going the extra mile. I sincerely recommend this product because of the great support team they have. Here’s the thing; you can buy the best product in the world and if it doesn’t have good support it will fail. ProductDyno has BOTH! Well done team.

Lloyd Portman

Great app to have for all your courses!

I have been using ProductDyno since a few years back and all I can say it is a big Thank You!

Very easy to use and very intuitive for the student. And the option to have courses outside the platform like a paywall… it is wonderful.

Thanks to all the team.

Pablo García

Excellent Support

I wanted to share a couple comments…

I have purchased and used several products over the years. When I purchased ProducDyno I was excited to use the product for my business. It has provided exactly what I purchased it for, so I’m very happy with my purchase.
BUT… I wanted to comment on the excellent support I’ve received when I was trying to work through some issues. The support team really engaged my concern and really made me feel confident that I had a partner that was interested in keeping me satisfied with my purchase. Great Job – and Thank you!


Strong and Powerful Platform

This is a powerful membership and delivery system for product creators
to sell their products with security and ease of use. And I’m just getting
started. I’ve had most of the membership tools. This one is a winner and still evolving.

myron berrnard

One of the best support in the industry!

Every time I have an issue with a product or service and I need assistance with anything I’m not sure about, their support is always there to help me. Hands down, Promote Labs is by far one of the very few trustworthy companies in the industry that I can count on when it comes to delivering results and supporting its customers. Thanks for the amazing products and services. Keep up the great work Promote Labs team!

Chang Her

Joining ProductDyno has been for me the best decision in my life ever

I think that ProductDyno has meant for me the best decision that I’ve ever made in my business life. My entire business is finally powered by ProductDyno and it totally simplified the product delivery to my customers. From today, I look like a true marketing professional in the eyes of my customers who can access my digital goods without any problems. I no longer have to worry about stealing my downloadable products by the thieves on the Internet. I’m so happy that my product files are completely protected by having the membership access. It’s the most amazing thing online that I’ve ever seen! Bravo ProductDyno team for making such a perfect product delivery system! Cheers, Marek. 🙂

Marek Brezina

It’s Like Having Your Own Version Of Netflix

You can even use ProductDyno to set up your own ‘video on demand’ business similar to Netflix using their expiring content feature. No wonder we’ve moved all our product delivery securely over to ProductDyno.

Nick James

Great group of people that

Great group of people that believe in helping it’s customers past and present,

William kennedy

The Best Support Ever!!

When I needed help with some questions I had, “The Customer Happiness Team” was right on top of it. I received several bonuses from Promote Labs for purchasing a product through their link, and had trouble accessing them. It was actually my fault for not properly reading the instructions on how to get them, but the support team was very gracious and gave me everything I needed by providing special links to all of it in an email. They truly do have it right when they describe themselves as “The Customer Happiness Team”. Because I sure am happy with the extra mile they went to ensure I had everything.

And Promote Labs way overdelivers on their promises. The bonuses they gave are all high quality programs that will definitely help me progress in my entrepreneurial journey.

Thank you so much.

M Lynn Fournier
Success Distributions, LLC

Is It Possible for Support to be as Good as the Product?

I’ve been a customer of PromoteLabs since 2020. I started Internet Marketing full-time in 2019 and have always had to deal with deceptive, uneducated, rude, even MIA customer and product support. It’s hard to get good support for a product that you purchase these days but they are out there. However, it’s rare to get support that’s as good as the product you purchased.

Like I mentioned, I’ve purchased products from PromoteLabs since 2020 which is 4 years at the time of this testimonial. There is an obvious reason for that. Not only are their products top notch, but whenever I had a question or a problem, their “Customer Happiness Team” stepped in and took care of me.

It has been a long time since I had to contact their support but “finally”, I had an issue; LOL. I’ve been using ProductDyno without a hiccup since 2022 but two days ago I had a problem with their AI Creator Suite upgrade (yes, you can now use AI to create memberships for you inside ProductDyno).

After entering a little bit of info to feed the AI and hitting the “Generate” button, I kept getting an error to check my OpenAI account for exceeding rate limits, etc.. I know my account is nowhere near the limits so I contacted PromoteLabs’ support team and got a reply back within 2 hours. Jennifer and I tried troubleshooting everything that we could think of but to no avail. After she exhausted all angles, she informed me that she would contact their tech team.

Not once was I out of the loop left wondering if anyone was helping me. Jennifer was great and got the issue resolved. The awesome thing about all this is it wasn’t PromoteLabs’ fault. OpenAI changed some things with the ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo APIs which caused the “glitch” with the AI Creator Suite. ProductDyno is a rock-solid product with the Support Team to match.

So, to answer the question “Is it possible for support to be as good as the product?”, the answer is a confident YES!

Victor Schroy

The Best Support Ever!!

When I needed help with some questions I had, “The Customer Happiness Team” was right on top of it. I received several bonuses from Promote Labs for purchasing a product through their link, and had trouble accessing them. It was actually my fault for not properly reading the instructions on how to get them, but the support team was very gracious and gave me everything I needed by providing special links to all of it in an email. They truly do have it right when they describe themselves as “The Customer Happiness Team”. Because I sure am happy with the extra mile they went to ensure I had everything.

And Promote Labs way overdelivers on their promises. The bonuses they gave are all high quality programs that will definitely help me progress in my entrepreneurial journey.

Thank you so much.

M Lynn Fournier
Success Distributions, LLC

Great group of people that

Great group of people that believe in helping it’s customers past and present,

William kennedy

It’s Like Having Your Own Version Of Netflix

You can even use ProductDyno to set up your own ‘video on demand’ business similar to Netflix using their expiring content feature. No wonder we’ve moved all our product delivery securely over to ProductDyno.

Nick James

One of the best support in the industry!

Every time I have an issue with a product or service and I need assistance with anything I’m not sure about, their support is always there to help me. Hands down, Promote Labs is by far one of the very few trustworthy companies in the industry that I can count on when it comes to delivering results and supporting its customers. Thanks for the amazing products and services. Keep up the great work Promote Labs team!

Chang Her

The Customer Happiness Team Made Me Very Happy!

Thanks so much to Jennifer and Annie from The Customer Happiness Team!

They helped me to get my Post Gopher plugin activated on Wordpress after I migrated it over to GoDaddy.

They explained everything every step of the way, and now everything is working perfectly.

Quick response times and very professional!

James Donaldson

Excellent Customer Service

I recently had the opportunity to test the customer service and they passed with flying colors. The issue I experienced occurred when I changed my hosting provider and Post Gopher stopped working. I looked through the FAQ and followed the troubleshooting steps to no avail. I then submitted my problem and the support team looked at my situation located the problem area directed me to the correct troubleshooting steps which allowed me to solve the problem. A+ service. Thank you.

Shawn Shepherd

Unbelievable results

It seemed too good to be true. Set up Post Gopher, put it on your posts, and build your email list. I was averaging 9 sign ups a month. Well, it couldn’t HURT, right?

I installed it just as the ‘summer slump’ hit, figuring I could work out out any bugs during the time when I get the least traffic.

224 sign ups that month

230 the month after that

Zero work, and the subscribers just roll in, ones that I know are interested in my content. I’m sold!

Marie Beausoleil

Excellent Support

Hit a bump with my installation, which is when I was reminded that old gits don’t understand all this modern technogizmo stuff. The support team dug in and stuck with me until they were able to convince me that name is spelled name. Oh, the embarrassment I suffered.

That being said, they responded politely, effectively and swiftly to every single question I had, which mainly revolved around me learning the spelling of name. I learned to spell name correctly and I don’t think I could have done it without them.

Had seven signups within the first hour of putting the shortcode on five posts.

Kirk Ward

Post Gopher is growing my list on autopilot!

I recently bought PostGopher and have now installed it on 2 websites. It adds a button to each blog post offering a PDF of the post for which visitors have to give me their name and email. It automatically provides a Call to Action to each and every one of my blog posts, even those that I wrote years ago. This is growing my list without me lifting a finger and I love it!

Ellen Finkelstein

Super Impressed With Post Gopher Results

Post Gopher has been money well spent. Not only is there a much easier and higher opt-in rate on my site, but the setup was really fast and simple. I’m also impressed with the statistics page. It shows the clicks and conversions per post – this is super useful to quickly know which pages are most popular – right in your WordPress dashboard. Love it!

Bo Johnson

Great results from PostGopher…

I was going to set up a lead generation device on for each blog post on the site which would allow the user to download a printable version of the article. With over 200 blog posts, this was looking like a very onerous task. Then I came across PostGopher that automates the whole process. I did in one hour what it would have taken me over 100 hours to do manually. I’ve had this installed on one site for exactly four weeks and have received 455 opt-ins. That’s awesome.

Eric Brown

BEST Customer Support

I installed Post Gopher on one of my niche sites and had problems getting it to work consistently. When I had my WordPress dashboard open, it worked fine. As soon as I logged out it appeared to be working, but did not deliver the pdf file. Instead, it opened a browser window and displayed the code.

This site is using a lot of plugins, but all of them are needed. I didn’t want to lose any of the functionality to get Post Gopher to work. Usually a support desk will issue a refund in this situation instead of helping to resolve the problem.

Not so with the “Customer Happiness Team!”

After 10 tries and no solution I thought we were done. Then I opened an email in the morning and Jennifer had a thought at 2am! She passed this info to the development team and they were able to resolve the issue.

Post Gopher is working on all devices. I would happily purchase another product from PromoteLabs, knowing their support team is so dedicated!

Gail Metcalf
GRM Business Solutions

Amazing Tool!

PostGopher is an amazing tool for folks who blog regularly!

Paul Myers

The EASIEST Way To Build Your Email List Auto-Magically!

I am seriously in LOVE with Post Gopher! It has increased my email list optins in a BIG way with NO extra work on my part.

If you’re a blogger, you NEED Post Gopher – it doesn’t make sense to blog without it. Just set it… and forget it – let Post Gopher do all the work FOR you.

Jennifer "PotPieGirl" Ledbetter

Post Gopher is Taking the ‘Content Upgrade’ Strategy to the Next Level!

PostGopher is taking the ‘Content Upgrade’ list building strategy to the next level! I love this plugin and it’s so easy and fast to use. It came at the right time for me as I am revamping my blog. Highly recommended!

Chad Eljisr

Post Gopher Has Performed Better Than All The Other List Building Solutions I Use Combined!

Opt-in rates have been on the decline for the last decade or so, and I’ve tried a lot of different solutions that have promised to turn that trend around. Of all the things I’ve tried including web based apps and various plugins, only Post Gopher actually delivered.

I installed it on my bizweb2000.com blog and the process took me literally ten minutes. I just checked the stats today, a couple weeks later and I see that Post Gopher has already generated 51 new optins for me on autopilot. That’s better than all the other solutions combined! Thanks for a fast, simple solution to growing my lists!

Jim Daniels

I Love PostGopher!

I love PostGopher, what a great and innovative way to not only engage your readers but turn them in to active subscribers. We have a ton of powerful content that is incredibly detailed and with one click you have INSTANT lead-magnets that your readers LOVE. Grab this and put it on your blog now!

Sean Donahoe

Great products with great support is essential.

Internet marketing is getting more and more competitive. I constantly need good products to achieve my goals and build my businesses. I have bought many products from Promotelabs they have never let me down, have always delivered great value. I don’t remember that I have asked for support before. But with Post Gopher I experienced an issue having one of my blogs interact with Aweber. Thanks to a good support service the problem was solved within a very short time.

Henrik Wanner-Olsen

This is the PERFECT Tool for Any BLOG!

Post Gopher has really helped grow my email list as well as driving more traffic back to my food and travel blog at TastefulVenture.com. This is the perfect tool for any blog! When someone downloads the PDF from your blog post to their computer, they have the option to go back at anytime and read it with the option to click on the link and re-visit your website. My traffic has increased and it’s creating repeat visitors!

Sara Hadro

Is It Possible for Support to be as Good as the Product?

I’ve been a customer of PromoteLabs since 2020. I started Internet Marketing full-time in 2019 and have always had to deal with deceptive, uneducated, rude, even MIA customer and product support. It’s hard to get good support for a product that you purchase these days but they are out there. However, it’s rare to get support that’s as good as the product you purchased.

Like I mentioned, I’ve purchased products from PromoteLabs since 2020 which is 4 years at the time of this testimonial. There is an obvious reason for that. Not only are their products top notch, but whenever I had a question or a problem, their “Customer Happiness Team” stepped in and took care of me.

It has been a long time since I had to contact their support but “finally”, I had an issue; LOL. I’ve been using ProductDyno without a hiccup since 2022 but two days ago I had a problem with their AI Creator Suite upgrade (yes, you can now use AI to create memberships for you inside ProductDyno).

After entering a little bit of info to feed the AI and hitting the “Generate” button, I kept getting an error to check my OpenAI account for exceeding rate limits, etc.. I know my account is nowhere near the limits so I contacted PromoteLabs’ support team and got a reply back within 2 hours. Jennifer and I tried troubleshooting everything that we could think of but to no avail. After she exhausted all angles, she informed me that she would contact their tech team.

Not once was I out of the loop left wondering if anyone was helping me. Jennifer was great and got the issue resolved. The awesome thing about all this is it wasn’t PromoteLabs’ fault. OpenAI changed some things with the ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo APIs which caused the “glitch” with the AI Creator Suite. ProductDyno is a rock-solid product with the Support Team to match.

So, to answer the question “Is it possible for support to be as good as the product?”, the answer is a confident YES!

Victor Schroy

I had a problem with

I had a problem with the entrance to the site and the attention was immediate and the case was solved. Very grateful to SurefireWealth and Annie Tarala who took care of me. Thank you very much.

josé guerrero

The Best Support Ever!!

When I needed help with some questions I had, “The Customer Happiness Team” was right on top of it. I received several bonuses from Promote Labs for purchasing a product through their link, and had trouble accessing them. It was actually my fault for not properly reading the instructions on how to get them, but the support team was very gracious and gave me everything I needed by providing special links to all of it in an email. They truly do have it right when they describe themselves as “The Customer Happiness Team”. Because I sure am happy with the extra mile they went to ensure I had everything.

And Promote Labs way overdelivers on their promises. The bonuses they gave are all high quality programs that will definitely help me progress in my entrepreneurial journey.

Thank you so much.

M Lynn Fournier
Success Distributions, LLC

Great group of people that

Great group of people that believe in helping it’s customers past and present,

William kennedy

It’s Like Having Your Own Version Of Netflix

You can even use ProductDyno to set up your own ‘video on demand’ business similar to Netflix using their expiring content feature. No wonder we’ve moved all our product delivery securely over to ProductDyno.

Nick James

One of the best support in the industry!

Every time I have an issue with a product or service and I need assistance with anything I’m not sure about, their support is always there to help me. Hands down, Promote Labs is by far one of the very few trustworthy companies in the industry that I can count on when it comes to delivering results and supporting its customers. Thanks for the amazing products and services. Keep up the great work Promote Labs team!

Chang Her

A Game Changer for Content Creators – FlipGuardian Review

As a content creator, I’m always on the lookout for tools that can help me increase my reach and engagement. When I came across FlipGuardian, I was intrigued by the potential it had to transform my PDFs, videos, and audios into engaging, interactive flipbooks. I decided to give it a try, and I couldn’t be happier with the results.

From the moment I started using FlipGuardian, I knew I had found something special. The user interface is incredibly intuitive, and it didn’t take long for me to set up my first campaign. The versatility of the platform is truly astounding, with options for adding lead gates, pay gates, and even password protection to my content.

The impact on my audience engagement has been significant. Since using FlipGuardian, I’ve seen an increase in email list subscribers, higher conversion rates, and a boost in sales. The integration with various autoresponders, webinar software, and other digital services has made managing my campaigns a breeze.

One feature I particularly appreciate is the option to embed the flipbook player directly onto my website or blog. This has allowed me to showcase my content seamlessly and provide my audience with an immersive, ad-free reading experience.

The customer support from FlipGuardian has also been top-notch. Whenever I’ve had questions or needed assistance, their team has been responsive and helpful.

Overall, I cannot recommend FlipGuardian highly enough. If you’re a content creator, author, or publisher looking to improve your conversions, grow your audience, and increase your sales, you owe it to yourself to give this platform a try. It’s truly a game changer, and I can’t wait to see what new features they roll out in the future.

Emanuel Rolle

Flipping more sales my way

FlipGuardian has changed my business for the better. Using it with the Pro-Additon has created more engagement with my customers. Adding videos to an eBook is nothing short of brilliant.

I’m now using FlipGuardian everwhere. I just love it.

Dori ONeill

Customer Support as it should be, but rarely is!

I took up an offer from PromoteLabs by responding to an email received through their SureFireWealth label.
During the purchasing process, I created potential chaos by using a different email address. Difficulties occurred and I appealed to PromoteLabs for help, I was both pleased and surprised by the quick and courteous response. My switching email addresses did cause confusion, but Annie Tarala quickly solved the problem.
It is unfortunate that few on-line vendors provide good customer service.
PromoteLabs is now on my list of Preferred Suppliers!

William Edward Lewis
William Lewis Publishing Limited

Excellent Support

I wanted to share a couple comments…

I have purchased and used several products over the years. When I purchased ProducDyno I was excited to use the product for my business. It has provided exactly what I purchased it for, so I’m very happy with my purchase.
BUT… I wanted to comment on the excellent support I’ve received when I was trying to work through some issues. The support team really engaged my concern and really made me feel confident that I had a partner that was interested in keeping me satisfied with my purchase. Great Job – and Thank you!


Amazing Support

Recently, I returned to use ProductDyno to begin my membership site. I have a learning difficulty so I emailed support with a bullet pointed request list to get me started. What amazed me was they answered every point I raised and then over-delivered with 2 videos they did working in my site which showed me how to fix my problems. They understood my issues, and I was up and running in no time.
I really appreciated them going the extra mile. I sincerely recommend this product because of the great support team they have. Here’s the thing; you can buy the best product in the world and if it doesn’t have good support it will fail. ProductDyno has BOTH! Well done team.

Lloyd Portman

Excellent Customer Support!

PromoteLabs has one of the best customer support online. Their customer support team is courteous, efficient and adept at problem-solving. They dubbed themselves the “Customer Happiness Team” – an apt title. Their dedicated service certainly boosts your confidence in buying products from this company.

Nickolove Lovemore

eBooks on Super Power Mode

Let’s be honest. Everyone has a few hundred ebooks lying down, getting dust on hard drivers without any meaning. With FlipGuardian, you can give them a new purpose in 3 steps.
1- Choose your ebook.
2- Upload and activate the campaign.
3- Share, promote, sell, or embed.
I have been looking for something like this for some time. Love it!

Daniel Popa

The Customer Happiness Team Made Me Very Happy!

Thanks so much to Jennifer and Annie from The Customer Happiness Team!

They helped me to get my Post Gopher plugin activated on Wordpress after I migrated it over to GoDaddy.

They explained everything every step of the way, and now everything is working perfectly.

Quick response times and very professional!

James Donaldson

ProductDyno is Great – Customer Support is FANTASTIC!

I really love how clean and simple everything is from both the backend to what the user experiences! In fact, I’m getting a lot of positive feedback on just that aspect alone – how easy the set ups is that users can move around so quickly!

And while I love the product and am happy to have found it, I have had a few “learning moments” along the way. But any time I have reached out to Customer Support they have been nothing but FANTASTIC and positive in helping me to overcome my limitations. 🙂 and get me back off to the races.

Can not recommend this product or company enough.

Thanks again PD and the Customer Support Team

Melissa MacPherson

The Swiss Army Knife For Internet Marketers

If you’ve got content that you need to protect, how do you do that?
I struggled with this problem for a long time until I learned about ProductDyno. And as my title says, it really is the Swiss Army Knife for people in the Internet Marketing scene.

I used to have all sorts of different plugins to handle download protection,membership sites, drip feeds, protected content, etc. but since taking the plunge and buying ProductDyno my life has become much less complicated.

ProductDyno handles all these things in a way that nothing else I’ve found comes close to.

It does exactly what it says on the sales page, including integrating with your autoresponder, shopping cart, payment platform, mail service, crm, webhooks and so much more.

Plus the level of support you get from the team is exceptional. I had an issue recently and the help I had from Jennifer, Annie and the amazing tech team was amazing.

Raymond Harries

Just Great!!

ProductDyno, Safe, secure and satisfied. A great product delivery program helping me manage my digital content. Excellent customer executive team as well, that have the knowledge to help their clients. Your wonderful service is greatly appreciated.

Holly Marsden

Another cool $10,768 with ALP

I purchased reseller licensing for Automated List Profits quite a few years ago and regularly use it as an easy, high value and high converting offer in many of my upsell funnels. Most recently I added it to the FunnelMates launch, where it was the perfect fit for the frontend offer – providing excellent value to my customers AND making us an additional $10,768 in sales.

Buying reseller rights for this has paid off many times over and I can say, without a doubt – that any time Promote Labs offers me a chance to buy something they’ve created, with resell rights – my answer is a short, sharp “HELL YES… thank you very much!”

Here’s a screenshot of the sales we made

Cindy Donovan

Very Responsive Help

I have the beta version of PageDyno and was having a problem with linking my API in my mailing list provider. The response was great and the technical team sorted it all out very rapidly. There was, of course, a need to get into both accounts but that was overcome easily.

The ‘Pagedyno’ product is great (which is what I expected as I also use Productdyno).

Thanks to all at PromoteLabs.

Keith Watson

Keith Watson

A Great Service Dept!

This is a little note to your service dept.  I really appreciate all the support.  All of you have been taking care of all my calls at all hours.  It does not matter if it’s day or night, weekends or early mourning someone from Promotelabs will answer your question. This is the company I chose to help me get started with my online quest to make some money one day.  SureFireWealth is affiliated with PromoteLabs and if you are wanting to learn anything to do with online marketing, you really need to see what they have to offer.  I am writing this testimony because of the service I get from support, I had to put the names of just a couple of the companies they own in here.  Keep it up support because people like me are counting on you.   Thanks, Tim

Timothy McDonald

Good Products – Great Support

I love PromoteLabs and the products they produce. ProductDyno is another excellent product from PromoteLabs. I’ve been using it for the past several months and I can’t say enough good things about it. Not only has it saved me time but has helped me streamline my business. In typical PromoteLabs fashion, it’s a solid product with even better support behind it. Any time I’ve had an issue, the Customer Happiness team has done what their name suggest, solved my problem and made me happy.
Rest assured that when you invest in a product from PromoteLabs that you’re investing in a quality product that is going to help you and your business.

Robert Borsuk

Best Customer Support in the Industry

I have been consistently impressed with outstanding customer service I have received from the Promotelabs team. The products are always great but it’s really the customer service that shines brightly over the rest of the industry.

Justice Whitethorn


Amazing Support

Honestly, I’ve never really believed in customer service. I always thought that sellers forget about you once the have your money but that’s not true here. I had an issue that has been bothering me for some time and they’ve sacrificed their time and energy just to make me happy. A stranger they have never met. I am amazed.

Bogdan Krstic

Memo Chip Free Product But Excellent Support

Could not get memo chimp to work, one ticket to the support team. They came back with a suggestion and the offer of more support if that didn’t work. The solution worked and now I have a solution should I hit the same snag with any of the chimp/monkey range of products. Great teamwork

Charles CM Bannister

Outstanding Customer Support

I reached out to the Promote Labs customer services with a minor issue I was having with the system. As it was a Sunday evening I was not expecting a response until the next working day. How wrong I was!! within the hour Jennifer from the Customer Happiness Team had been in touch and sorted it all out. What more can I say? many thanks for your swift response, Awesome customer service.

David Whitham


I would just like to thank you from the bottom of my heart – truly!

Thank you for being so incredibly nice toward a fellow customer to whom you have had no previous contact or even knowledge of!! A truly commendable quality indeed!
I also feel as if my trust level has skyrocketed with you guys!
As for the products, I absolutely LOVE THEM ALL!!!
The very best quality that they all have in common, despite all being completely different to one another – is SOLIDNESS…
They are Rock Solid and just will not break!
I’ve not ever had a page go down – EVER, and this further increases the level of faith I have invested into these products!
I have around 7 of them – and counting.
My latest is Conversion Gorilla, and this is no exception to the Promote Labs rule of being reliable, solid and very easy to use!!
VERY IMPRESSED GUYS!! Keep it up. I’ll be buying your entire business one day soon, as I almost have shares in this great & wonderful company.
By the way – I was NOT paid to say any of the things I have, nor was I somehow directly nor indirectly coerced into saying these things. They are all simply from the bottom of my heart.
You are a wonderful and a very successful business and I wish you all the best guys!!
Thanks again.
God bless…

Steve Calo

Not just product – stellar customer service as well

Purchased MonkeyPlayr sometime ago and recently experienced an access issue. The support team worked tirelessly to fix the problem keeping me informed along the way. Outstanding customer service – well done to all of the team.

Gavin Ridley

Great Customer Support!

I purchased a reseller license for Automated List Profits because I saw the immense value of having lead magnets for marketers. However when I attempted to put the sales page together I found out that my technical skills were really lacking. Jennifer, Annie and the rest of the Customer Happiness Team stuck with me until I Got it up and running. They were great and I can’t say anything but good things about the service they provided!

Michael Boone
Blue Chip Marketing, LLC

Amazing Customer Support

I have several of the products Promote Labs offers, and have had the pleasure of working with the Customer Happiness folks a number of times before — and usually it’s just a case of me not quite understanding a process, or missing a step.

But with one product, they simply went above and beyond.

I’ve recently switched over to a newer email service which was supported in general terms but which was not set up to link to specific campaigns within the software.

I explained the problem, and both Donna E. and Jennifer T. worked with me to connect me to the engineers, make sure they had what they needed to essentially build a new piece of software with the app to work with my email provider’s specific needs… and the results were flawless.

If you have a problem, THIS is what you hope customer support will be.

Holly Lisle

Great support!

I bought commission gorilla a while back and after using it for a while I decided to go ahead and buy Monkey Playr.

At first, I was having trouble trying to integrate the two systems, but after contacting support they were very helpful and fast to log into my account and see what was going on.

PromoteLabs makes greats products and has great support!

Kenneth Michael Drennon

Awesome Support

My support questions were answered promptly and thoroughly.

I love Landing Page Monkey and how easy it is to use. It has an abundance of options giving me the ability to create unique and fabulous looking landing pages.

Thanks for a great product!

Krystalya Marie’

Krystalya Marie'

Nice support and my problem was solved quickly 🙂

I have to answer my question of support team quickly the answer and were nice. You solved my problem quickly.

Thanks Donna 🙂

Janos Heckenberger

Great and Understanding Support Team

It’s nice to know that PomoteLabs and specifically ProductDyno has a great support team.

So, I would like to thank the Sara and Donna particularly, who helped to quickly resolve my account issues which put me back in business.

I plan on using ProductDyno in a variety of ways and glad they have my back.

–Joseph Yanni

Joseph Yanni

Great costumer service

Customer service is amazing! They were quick to respond and didn’t give up until the issue was resolved! Thank you Donna!

Robin Nelson

Superb Support

Just want to give a well deserved praise to the support team members of Annie and Donna. They have been kind, gentle and professional. Wonderful response time and very helpful.

Mario Ortiz

Awesome Product Backed By Best Customer Service Ever

I purchased Landing Page Monkey and had a question about integration. The support staff was prompt in answering my question.

Landing Page Monkey is an awesome product and helps me to create great pages that I can’t do with my autoresonder service.

Bryant Dodd


I was surprised with the short time you took to solve my problem and notify me. Thanks again, you are the best


John Witherspoon


Just wanted to say thanks for the great products you guys are putting out there! So many landing page services are not up to par and best of all LPM offers a LIFETIME Membership where others do not! THANX PROMOTE LABS!

Caleb P Saxe

Friendly, Professional & Supportive

My interaction with the support team was more than excellent. Very knowledgeable, and usually response immediately and very cordial. Keep up the good work!

Kris Waterson

Fantastic Products & Support People

I love Promote Labs products. Not so much for the products themselves (which are awesome btw) but for the people that stand behind them and for the support they provide when you get an occasional hiccup.

Mark A Carillon

Wonderful, wonderful people

Customer Service rarely gets raves, but that’s because it rarely rates raves. PromoteLabs customer service folks are a spectacular exception.

How spectacular? I rebought a product I’d cancelled and had already received the refund on because they went the extra mile in working with me to get it up and running on my site. (The product is great, too, but that’s another story.)

Buy with confidence. Even when things DON’T go perfectly right out of the gate, you’ll be in good hands.

Holly Lisle

Fast, Responsive Support From A Competent Team

Responsive support from a competent and knowledgeable technical team is extremely important, especially when your site is bringing in thousands of visitors.

I installed a new plugin soon after its launch and experienced an error that affected my site. I contacted customer support and received an immediate response.

I found the support team to be very responsive and was really pleased with the fact that they remained in contact with me until the issue was fixed.

Martin Aranovitch

Fast Customer Service

Kudos to Jennifer and Donna on the customer happiness team in helping me figure out why my image link was not working. All is working fine now and I greatly appreciate the quick responses and assistance.

Laura Walker

customer support Rating 10+

Just wanted to give you a quick testimonial on my experience with Promote Labs’s Excellent customer support team.

I contacted Promote Lab’s support and was given a very fast and quick solution.

Now… If all online business’s would be as professional and solution driven, they would have not just a one time customer but a raving fan!

And that’s what you guys have turned me into!

I will definitely continue to not only purchase from you guys, but I will make sure to tell others about how awesome you guys are!

Thanks again,
Sam Guerrero

Sam G.

What a great service from Your Helpdesk!

Annie That was amazingly FAST….

Thank you very much!

I had given up when I thought that I would have one more try after remembering my old emails.

Thinking that I had no chance to get back in….


I hope you have a great YEAR!

Best regards Annie,


Paul Evatt

A job well done

I am very thankful for the patience shown to me. The problem was resolved and I am eternally grateful to be able to move forward.

The experience that I have had with the product has been quite unique to me. I purchased the product paying through PayPal. However, the product did not register on my product list with JVZoo. The team provided me with a URl to access my product, which was great, and I will still be able to access the product through my email if it were needed. A job well done. Thanks again, Brian

Brian Elliott

The fastest customer support team ever

I placed an order after hours for product. I placed the wrong email address for delivery. I sent a support ticket. Within 5 minutes someone sent what I needed with a smile and no questions

Malik Bey

Consistent support

We haven’t tried any of products yet, but after noticing their consistency when it comes to communication and answering our questions, we chose to give it a shot. We’re creating our own video channel and we hope that their MonkeyPlyr helps us with that.

Kharel Navarro

Fast and Friendly Service Reps!

Donna and Sara were very helpful with my support needs. Not only did they respond quickly, they took care of my needs efficiently! Thank you for the awesome service!

Robin Lockbeam

Landing Page Monkey fun to Use

Landing Page Monkey is fun to use. Also Quick turnaround to change our company email request. Thanks guys great work.

Natures Bounty Art Gallery

All I needed in ONE place

This is by far the most amazing tool I’ve ever used I really got everything in ONE place from landing pages to pop-ups , I loved it .
Highly Recommended

Fadwa A Soliman

Fast Support!

This was an extremely fast reply. Donna pointed me in the right direction to get the answer I was looking for. Thank you Donna. 🙂

Danny Blanco


I sent an email to support & received a response in less than 5 minutes…5 STAR service…special thanks to ANNIE! Thank you…

Steve Edgar

Stephen Edgar

First class customer service

Jennifer Taylor helped me enormously over the past week or two. I used to be able to handle these ‘techy’ things quite easily, but with my medical condition I find it really confusing sometimes these days. Even when things are explained to me it sometimes ‘doesn’t click’ – that’s where Jennifer’s patience was so important, she was able to cope with my repeated questions and my not understanding things that really should have been pretty straightforward.

Donna was also very helpful, but I only ‘spoke’ to her once or twice so it’s Jennifer that gets most of my feedback. If you have quite a few customer service staff she should be training them! She knows her stuff, and she knows the most important thing is to show patience and to treat people respectfully.

In my case, for example, I have had helpline staff talk down to me because I was so obviously in need of assistance (not from your company, by the way). The very thing they’re there for, they fail at almost immediately; as soon as you show that you really need help they treat you like an imbecile. Jennifer was the exact opposite – helpful and patient, and she came across as a normal person, not some pre-programmed individual with lots of ready answers but zero personality.

In cases where customer service has been bad, believe me I let them know about that too! It’s a pleasure to be able to give such high praise to someone so good at their job.

Ken Hutton

All I can say is thanks

Thanks for answering my questions about Split Test Monkey so quickly. I appreciate the response.

Vernon Rudolph

Paul O’Keeffe Gives A Testimonial for PromoteLabs’ Super Affiliate Status

“(Jeremy Gislason and Simon Hodgkinson) are amazing partners to have and if you can make an alliance with these guys, I strongly advise you do it, they are the real deal, proper super affiliates, and really nice people to boot

Paul O'Keeffe